WEBINAR | Healthy Leadership: Put Your Mask on First

Laura Baldwin, Myra Cherchio, Jill Fredenberg

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Product Description

Presented by:

  • Laura Baldwin, BSM Consulting
  • Myra Cherchio, St. Luke’s Cataract and Laser Institute
  • Jill Fredenberg, Gawley Plastic Surgery

Description: COVID-19 has challenged leaders to step up and perform in unexpected ways.For many of them, the need to quickly jump into action, organize and execute a plan, and support evolving practice needs has become the highest and only priority. But what happens when leaders are so busy taking care of everyone and everything around them that they forget to take care of themselves? Join BSM Senior Consultant Laura Baldwin for this lively 45-minute panel discussion on how to assess the health of your leadership to ensure physical, emotional, and spiritual balance. Strategies that promote well-being will also be explored, enabling you to be the best leader for your practice and team.


Objectives: By the end of this webinar, you will be better equipped to:

  1. Focus on ways to optimize physical, emotional, and spiritual self-care
  2. Identify signs and symptoms that could potentially indicate the need to focus on self-care
  3. Identify tools and tactics that can help you fill up your tank

Related resources:

  • Healthy Leadership Handout